Education Resources
Our “Bluebird Basics” powerpoint presentation is available to anyone who will be speaking to a group about bluebirds. Use the presentation as a framework or guide when developing your presentation. We would encourage you to personalize the presentation by adding details for your region or your experiences.
The websites listed below provide various kinds of information about bluebirds and other cavity-nesting species.
Please contact us with any questions you may have.
“Bluebird Basics” powerpoint presentation
- Powerpoint download – (note: this is a large file; you may want to first review the PDF files below)
- “Bluebird Basics” slides (PDF format) – this file contains the images used in the powerpoint
- “Bluebird Basics” script (PDF format) – text guidelines for what each slide addresses
Other Resources
- 18-Day Photo Growth Chart of the Eastern Bluebird (PDF) – from day of hatching until fledging the nest. Courtesy of Matt Wiese, Troop 117
- March 2021 Highbanks Herald Newsletter (PDF) courtesy of Jen Moore, naturalist at Highbanks Metro Park
- Webinar – Nature vs. Nurture: Parental care does not mitigate consequences of poor environmental conditions in Eastern Bluebirds by: Madeline Sudnick, Graduate student researcher, University of Arkansas
- “Living in Harmony with House Wrens” by Pamela Routte
Links to Other Bluebird Information
- Sialis
- North American Bluebird Society (NABS)
- USGS – Bluebird Facts
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- How to Attract Bluebirds
- Landowner’s Guide for Bluebirds
- Ohio Division of Wildlife: Hit the Trail for Bluebirds
Do Bluebirds go south for the winter?
They go to where they can find food and shelter. This may be toward areas where there is warmer weather, or it could be the same place as their summer home.
What do Bluebirds eat?
Bluebirds eat insects when available and fruits and berries during colder months.
If you have a question about bluebirds or what you can do to help, please email us at ohiobluebirdsociety@gmail.com. For more detailed answers please email obspresident@gmail.com.