2021 Virtual OBS Conference
March 6, 2021
Due to COVID-19 this year, the OBS Annual Conference is entirely virtual! You can watch the presentations below on this year’s theme: Back to the Basics. This year’s wonderful logo was created by Anna Rose.
Bluebirding 101
Bet Zimmerman Smith | 45 minutes
This presentation will cover what a bluebird looks like, why they need your help, top tips on attracting bluebirds and keeping them safe, and who else might use your nestbox.
NABS introduction
Bet Zimmerman Smith | 15 minutes
This presentation covers who the NABS is, its history, boards and committees, financials, grants, the Journal, website, Facebook, awards, conferences and membership benefits.
Wildlife Management for Tree Swallows
Dick Tuttle | 45 minutes
This presentation will include box placement from straight lines to nestbox grids that result in maximum use by swallows. Other topics will include furry flat-tailed bluebirders of centuries ago, feather tossing, paired boxes, and other topics practiced for greater production of our avian neighbors.
Woodland Cavity Nesting Birds
Marne Titchenell | 45 minutes
There are several species of woodland birds that will use nest boxes. This presentation will discuss several cavity nesters in Ohio’s woodlands and how you can provide them with the best nest box possible. We will discuss flycatchers, sapsuckers, chickadees, and more!
Woodpecker Use of Nestboxes
Marne Titchenell | 15 minutes Woodpeckers are known for excavating their own cavities for nesting and roosting, however there has been some reported use of nest boxes, especially during the winter. We will explore this topic further in this short video, which includes several video clips of woodpeckers exploring nest boxes.Don’t Pull That House Sparrow Nest!
Paula Ziebarth | 30 minutes
Paula Ziebarth (Madame Wingnut) will discuss the challenges and dangers surrounding the non-native House Sparrow. The efficacy of both passive and active management strategies will be reviewed.
Deer Creek State Park Monitoring
Hannah Thomas | Young Birder
Establishing the Minerva Park Blue Bird Trail
Zak Beaver | Young Birder
Opal Ashcraft: Birder, Artist and Friend
Elizabeth Kanzeg | Young Birder
A Home for the Swifts
EJ Steele | Young Birder